Monday, December 28, 2015

Train to Run Faster in Any Sport


Special Sports Report 

Do you play high school sports, baseball, basketball, soccer or any other sport ?   Would you like to get faster in ANY sport ?  

We have found that  revolutionary speed training exercises are helping athletes around the world reach their athletic dreams. 

The reason these speed training exercises produce such great results at quickly conditioning your muscles to be fast and responsive is because during an isometric contraction with resistance bands,the muscles’ motor unit recruitment patterns are entirely new and different than what has been normally experienced by a muscle that has not been conditioned with this type of training.

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When using the resistance band with an isometric strategy, each attempt by the muscle at balancing and stabilizing the dynamically changing force of the band helps to create and re-enforce new neuro-pathways inside the muscle. This process accelerates the development of strength, speed and coordination within the muscle.

This muscular development becomes even more pronounced the weaker the muscle gets as it attempts to hold the isometric position. This is because when the band can no longer be held steady due to a weakening muscle, quick and ongoing small changes in the resistance level of the band force the muscles to immediately react and alter their typical motor unit recruitment pattern without resting in order to stabilize the band. This kind of speed training exercise is of great benefit to the athlete.

You will get even greater value when these strategies are applied during an exercise to joints in different planes and angles from what they normally perform in the gym.

By doing this the muscles are less likely to become pre-conditioned to the guided pathways of the machines or similar exercises. As a result coordination issues, speed, and strength levels within the muscles are then developed far beyond their current level.

Faster muscle contraction speed is the net result of these improvements in coordination and strength.

Furthermore, targeting the muscles surrounding the less stable, and significantly more movable, ball and socket joints of the shoulders and hips, opens up incredible possibilities for athletic development. This is because when these exercises are done on those joints they typically involve all the muscles that stabilize the joint.

Therefore, Isometric training exercises with the resistance band exposes and then eliminates greater weaknesses in your muscles in ways that you probably have never experienced before.

Because of this, these types of speed training exercises fill a huge void in the training of every athlete that has never before used this unique speed training strategy.The muscles quickly become conditioned for speed and quickness in ways that are rarely attainable without using this type of training method.

Speed Training that Makes You Faster in Any Sport!

Source FCNews Staff Reporter/ AQSpeed