Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Comments on Food Pantry Closure Continue to Pour In

May 8, 2012
ROXIE, MS -  The comments to the Franklin Baptist Association Food Pantry Closure continue to be made on the article http://franklincountymsnews.blogspot.com/2012/05/secret-ballot-forces-franklin-county.html written yesterday. Here are just a few of the comments.  You may voice  your opinion or comment in the section below the article.  

Anonymous May 7, 2012 1:37 PM
Its so sad that the food pantry is closing, but as someone who worked with the Thrift Store to try to fund its efforts i can see why it has come to this. Times are hard, and its sad that not all churches could keep up with the demand to attend this crucial meeting. What will happen now Franklin County? What will happen to the little thrift store who can't keep the lights on?

Anonymous May 7, 2012 1:50 PM
Wonder who needed a job???? perhaps we can find out later (Associational Mission Director) and why not be transparent and tell what [other ministry programs] are more important than the hungry in our county. And we wonder why folks are dropping out of the churches in this county..... thought the Bible says help all and to minister to all. Would also like to see a list of Pastors attending and list of Pastors not attending.

Anonymous because there are Baptists that would ostracize those that disagree with them.....REALLY?

Anonymous May 7, 2012 8:42 PM
Maybe the Pastors were too embarrassed to watch all the "poor" come to the pantry.....too embarrassed to be there to invite them to their church???? 

Oh, or maybe they were not dressed well enough or have the right "credentials" to be invited to their church. Seems the local churches are pretty "cloned" as far as parishioners are concerned.....at least the ones I have attended.

Anonymous May 7, 2012 5:02 PM
A 'spade' is a 'spade' no matter who sent them. They were doing either the bidding of the pastor or the church that elected them ... So, are you telling me the Church does not support the ministry ? You may want to check your facts ! Seems like the article called a spade a spade 

Anonymous May 7, 2012 3:36 PM
Messenger's bring the word and 'vote' as decided by 'someone'- be it the Pastor or the Church Members - seems like a 'spade' is still a 'spade' !

Anonymous May 8, 2012 3:06 AM
The ones who voted to close the food pantry have probably NEVER volunteered at the food pantry or the thrift store. Why can't the "Associational Mission Director" volunteer for this job? Whoever is hired probably doesn't NEED the extra pay check anyway. Why can't more people volunteer to help at the thrift store? Why does it just have to be a "Baptist" thing? Why can't there be a "Franklin County Food Pantry" and let all churches and organizations raise funds to support it?

Source: Article in Franklin County News Blog 


  1. LET'S GET THE REAL FACTS STRAIGHT!!!!!! The food pantry is closed only temporary! It will open again when there is enough funds to open it back up. There was not a budget ($0.00 Funds) or not enough to do anything with.

  2. But there's enough to divert these funds away to hire a full-time missions director. This ain't Kingdom work--ending ministry in the name of hiring someone to do ministry. Your logic makes no sense here & there's too much at stake. The baptist churches in Franklin Co. are being publicly embarrased over this decision. And rightly so!!

  3. I think logic went out the window with this decision. What would have happened if 'everyone' involved with the decision had let the public know the financial need of the Pantry and then had been given a timetable to allow people to help. Of course a 'course of action' to solve the problem would have been nice also. Give facts and then a workable solution plus a timetable is proper management.

  4. GREAT JOB TO WHOEVER REPORTED THIS STORY! GREAT JOB! WITH REPORTERS LIKE YOU WHO NEEDS ENEMIES?!? You did a wonderful job reporting one side of the story, not to mention giving people ANOTHER reason NOT to go to church! GREAT JOB!

    P.S. Marvin Howard is not Mr. Marvin Howard, he is Rev. Marvin Howard.

    1. All information in the story was taken exactly (including the names) from a letter written and given out to every person on Monday at the Food Pantry location. We only reported as to what was given to us. We are sure there is more than on side to the story ... of course that is the very reason we printed what we were given so people, like yourself, could voice their opinion and it seems to be working. We thank you for your input !

  5. I was told today by someone "close to the situation" that there may be more food to give out if it were managed differently. It seems that everyone who gets a box of food, gets the same size box of food whether it is a small family or a large family. Also,many people don't use what they are given. If they don't want certain items, then they should say so at the time of receiving it so that it can be given to others who NEED it and WILL use it. We don't get food from the food pantry, but do have many friends and relatives who do get food there. Some of them have excess of certain items while others run out of food before the month is over. Maybe a volunteer could be in charge of filling SMALL boxes while another volunteer could fill MEDIUM boxes and another volunteer could fill LARGE boxes (for larger families). This story has certainly stirred some people up (and given SOME the opportunity to show their true colors), but maybe it will enlighten others to take more interest in what is going on in Franklin county. It's time to realize what is going on outside of your own comfortable home. There are many people who need more than your opinion or pity. See what YOU can do to help someone who really needs it.

  6. Jennifer GriffithMay 9, 2012 at 9:49 AM

    Maybe this is the time to do something about it then instead of ranting on the internet about it. Join a civic group and try to help out with the situation instead of hiding behind the name "Anonymous." Anyone at the Economic Meeting last night knows that we are trying to make a difference in this county but we can't do it alone. If everyone is this fired up about it, do something. Don't cower behind your opinion and hear-say, Help.

  7. If anyone is interested, I did post twice on this subject. The first time was on May 8 at 3:06 AM and on May 8 at 10:39 PM. I should not have posted as "Anonymous" because I said nothing that I would say to anyone face to face. These are my "opinions" and not my "remarks. I can see why some people posted as "anonymous" , because they really had nothing constructive to say. If more people would take an interest in what goes on in Franklin County, it would not be in the shape it is in now. If you think things are "going just fine", then you need to wake up and take off those "rose-colored glasses". Don't wait around for someone else to fix things. Some of them could obviously not be bothered, because it does not affect them. When it comes to feeding hungry people, I don't think they can be put on hold until someone "gets their ducks in a row". Maybe they can just "diet" for a while and hope something works out. I won't say whose idea it was to not have high windows in the thrift store addition to let in some natural light, but I was told that the association could pay the light and a/c bill. I think the excuse was that someone could break in.......really?, the store has a glass front.
